OK, so I’m trying out a couple different writing programs right now. I’m currently giving ‘Scrivener’ a spin, but i’ve got ‘Ulysses’ waiting in the wings in case it doesn’t work out too well. I’m hopeful, though.
I’m also going to try out ‘MacJournal’, just for the heck of it. I’m typing this blog post in ‘MJ’, in fact. MacJournal is supposed to be able to collect a bunch of different things that you might stuff into a journal entry or a blog post: text, pics, even audio or video.
It’s odd, though. i mean, i understand that blogging is a different deal than journaling, and that it is necessarily going to involve becoming 1s and 0s at some point, but with journaling, i don’t know. i mean, i really do like the feel of pen scratching across paper. hell, i’ve spent 45 minutes in one clip at Barnes & Noble just looking at different journals and feeling the papers under my skin. paper quality is not to be overlooked. it’s a big deal. what kind of coating (or lack thereof) paper has in a journal can change everything. i mean, *everything*. the saturation of ink onto paper is part of the character of a journal. i might choose one particular type of paper for a particular season of life, while going with something else at another time. those handmade, fibrous-paper, hardback journals are a particular favorite for me. there’s something about the way it feels. man, i’m missing paper right now. not sure how well the journaling part of this experiment is going to work. i’ll let you know...